Thursday 4 April 2013

Hold that ...

That huge space
Waiting to be filled
By what?
you don't know
I don't either
Don't look at me!

I have a few plans
A few things I want
To pack away
Like gold stars
For a rainy day
Or when it all comes down on me
Or you
Or us
To pull out and look at
And sigh
And smile
That space
For precious things
For happiness and memories
For hopes and dreams

But maybe that the best bit
The only bit
The waiting
The space for more
The yearning
For finishing
For completeness
For happiness

What happens when it's full?
Do we sit back now?
Are we done?
Do we finish life now?
Do we get a free ticket out?

Don't know if I like that
So I think I'll keep free
That space
Hold that space
For me.

April PAD Challenge

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