Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tidal Waves

Time ticks on
time ticks faster
and faster 
seeing me founder
in front of its tide
Which pulls closer
and closer
my time
to its very end
to the lowest
to the end
I know it will roll right over me
if I don't run
to catch
the glimpse of a chance
a future
so far
so far
but marching close

Instead I sit here
on the beach
watching the tide pull back
stretching out the interesting things
the rocks
and sand
and little things
helpless things
wriggling in the sand
and I sit
and stare at this beautiful world
by the irresistible pull
of the future
to crash
and destroy

it will hit me
I will be swept away
and yet
I cant climb
the nearest tree
or run to the mountain
when all others are
I sit
and watch
and wait
for it
for it will come
and I might have time
if I just wait

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