Saturday 6 April 2013

Sea Breaks

Sunny streaks across speckled plastic window panes
the world flies by, from coast to coast, we sit and watch
as we slide like a hot knife through soft butter
like a shark blade through smooth seas
splitting the green and brown, turning the turf beneath
unzipping the countryside, for our eyes only.

gleams of seas
of turf and tide
blue and brown
cut by searing white
blinking flash of reflection
off glass
the racing bodies
a soft lean

gravity peeks in
to show us what she can do
the moon breaks
over soft sandy shingles
pulling the worlds blanket over itself
stealing the sheets
only to let it loose again
and again
and again

the hot face
warmed by wind
 and sun
 and happiness
small change
for a small change
that keeps me smiling
when the sun drops and fades.

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